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JAWS LE Arcade with lots of new parts-Looks new, extra sharp-HEAVY DUTY, COIN OPERATED, COMMERCIAL GRADE WITH FREE PLAY OPTION

JAWS LE Arcade with lots of new parts-Looks new, extra sharp-HEAVY DUTY, COIN OPERATED, COMMERCIAL GRADE WITH FREE PLAY OPTION

  • $ 1,58000

This game comes with lots of new parts and looks like a brand new game, It works 100%. There is no dents or scratches on this game.

It comes with:

  • Since CRT Monitors are not available anymore and they are hard to fix , we install a LCD Monitor therefore screen is nice and bright.

  • Brand new Coin Door. it can set for free play or for to take coins.

  • New locks

  • All new wiring and Jamma Harness.

  • New Joy Stick and Buttons

  • New Leg Leveler

  • It comes with many other new parts

  • It comes with 6 month parts warranty


We spend over $125.00 on expensive material to wrap the game and put it in box and installing it on pallet to avoid damages during shipment.